do what you want, defy what you dont

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Life is what you make it, so make it great

The question about how to live life right is argued in many different ways by everyone in the world. But I feel like everyone is allowed to have their own answer to that question... just because someone thinks living life is lifting weights every day or eating whatever they wanted when they wanted doesn't mean everyone agrees. I like to live my life like I might not be here tomorrow.. I want to be able to say at the end of the day that I did everything within my power to enjoy that day to the fullest. But I'm not alone in this thought and I was blessed to meet some friends in college that soon became my best friends. We grew to become more so than best friends, but a band of brothers who enjoyed to do things that were seen as outside the box to others. I'm thankful for them and I'm even more thankful that I got the chance to meet some cool people that I'm on the same level with mentally. I guess where I'm really going with this post is: Do what you want with your life because it's your life to live. Do what makes you happy and surround yourself with people who enjoy making life as interesting and fun as you do. - Thunderstreak

"In your day, surround yourself with people who love you, motivate you, encourage you and just make you feel good about being you." - Brigitte Nicole

do what you want, defy what you don't

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