do what you want, defy what you dont

Monday, May 11, 2015

It's been a while since I've posted.. life is taking a hold of me and it's moving fast so I'm trying to enjoy it as best I can.. Technology won't allow that so I've stayed away as much as possible... The homies and I haven't been up to much around campus.. we've been hoopin a lot,  boarding, and making the best of the time we have left together at school. Me and the homie Tyler will be departing our school and transferring so we're trying to live our time left at this school greatly. But we know that type of the friendships we've made with the people here are the types that last a lifetime. We can also connect with everyone through social media and cell phones. That's the thing with society today... you can never truly hide from everyone unless you unplug yourself from all technology. But will anyone in our generation really do that? People always want to go on adventures but get on their phones and miss the whole thing. Yes you want pictures because "pictures last forever" but if you don't stop to enjoy the moment the picture you took won't mean a damn thing. Enjoy every moment possible because you never know if your life will be cut short. Will you be happy with the life you've lived if you were to die tomorrow? If the answers no then why not change it today? A random post... no true idea behind it.. but gets you thinking.- Thunderstreak

Do what you want, Defy what you don't.

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